What is eGaming Monitor Dashboard
Discover insights and information from the industry experts to fuel business growth
Global Business Intelligence for Online Casino
eGaming Monitor's dashboard gives casino operators, games studios and aggregators a strategic upper hand in one of iGaming's most crowded verticals. Gaining access to this data warehouse removes the guesswork and provides actionable insights for game providers and operators.
Track market trends
What’s at the top of the slots? Use eGaming Monitor’s exclusive insights to uncover trends, monitor competitive dynamics, and inform your growth strategy. Explore our sample top-level reports here:
How will eGaming Monitor help fuel your growth?
eGaming Monitor: Business intelligence for casino operators
Enhance your igaming strategy with eGaming Monitor and iGB IQ. This video showcases the depth of data and analytics included, and how that sets your business up to generate more from existing markets, and find new revenue streams around the world. Watch now and transform your approach with this essential tool for casino operators and game providers!
eGaming Monitor: Business intelligence for slot specialists
Refine your product roadmap and optimise your portfolio for global markets with eGaming Monitor and iGB IQ. In this video we’ll show you how access to this suite of data and analytics helps you track the market, build around player preferences and grow revenue across a range of regulated markets.
Whether you want to perfect your product range for market entry or compare competitors' titles, eGaming Monitor arms you with the data to succeed. See the product in action to answer the pressing business questions operators and games providers face.