Kindred partners EASG to promote new gambling addiction identification app

Online gambling operator Kindred Group has linked up with the European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG) to raise awareness of a new mobile app that helps identify early signs of gambling addiction to players.


Developed by mobile mental health assessment specialist Zafty Intelligence, the Bettor Time app uses proprietary machine learning software to identify unique changes in a customer’s behaviour associated with mental health issues.

Specialist algorithms take the recorded activity and learn each user’s normal behaviour, which then allows it to monitor potentially problematic changes in activity. Based on the level of change in behaviour, the app will recommend tailored features and support to help the user to restore their gambling behaviour to a healthy level.

The EASG manages the app and also controls and distributes the aggregated anonymised user data for use in academic research

Kindred in March last year committed to ensuring it does not generate any revenue from customers gambling in a harmful and unsustainable manner by 2023 and said promoting Bettor Time to its customers will help it achieve this target.

As part of this commitment, the operator has been publishing the amount of revenue it receives from customers it deems at risk of harm. For the first quarter of 2020, those classed as high-risk made up 3.9% of total revenue.

“The technology behind this app with Zafty’s unique machine learning algorithms that take the recorded activity and learn each user’s normal behaviour is very interesting,” Kindred’s head of responsible gambling and research Maris Catania said.

“This app can help users make better informed decisions about their gambling. We are proud to promote this app and I recommend other operators to follow.”