Gaming1 introduces responsible gambling training for all employees

Ardent Group-owned operator and supplier of casino and sports betting products, Gaming1, has created a new responsible gaming training course for its employees, in partnership with the Gaming Clinic at Brugmann University Hospital.


The busines said its mission in the industry was to provide the best responsible gaming experience to its customers in regulated online markets.

As unregulated online operators are readily available in the market, it said, it takes responsibility to fight against gambling addiction by offering players a responsible, managed gaming environment.

Employee training has now become a key part of the operator’s strategy to keep responsible gambling at the core of its business, and a newly created responsible gaming department will now coordinate all related initiatives, it added.

The objective of its partnership with the Brugmann University Hospital is to contribute to behavioural research on players and create training modules based around the needs of each job role within the company.

All of the company’s employees have now taken part in the first responsible gaming training module, which will also be given to all new employees as part of their on-boarding process.

The module covers the issue of responsible gaming as a whole, Gaming1 said, and includes information on governance, prevention and protection tools, and awareness for employees and players.

The module also trains employees on key risk indicators and detection tools which will allow them to more readily identify vulnerable players.

Gaming1’s chief executive, Emmanuel Mewissen, commented: "The legal sector only makes sense if it effectively protects the players. It is our responsibility as legal actors in the world of games of chance to also fight against addiction.”

“Today we want to be able to open your eyes and explain the dangers linked to excessive gaming. I would like everyone in our company to be aware of this issue and to work together to create a strong legal sector.”

Gaming1 released a new suite of artificial intelligence-based responsible gambling tools in August last year, which are intended to monitor customer behaviour and identify any early signs of problem gambling.

Any customers identified as being at the highest risk level according to its modelling, would be provided with quick and comprehensive assistance from its in-house team of player protection specialists, it said.