Irish trade union gunning for Paddy Power Betfair

Betting company’s staff compensated over working time breaches


A leading trade union in Ireland is continuing its battle with Paddy Power Betfair despite victory over the firm concerning staff rest breaks

Some 14 Mandate members are to receive between €750 and €1,000 in compensation after the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) found the company was breaching the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997.

Mandate says it has written to PPB to further discuss the implications of the ruling and now intends to serve a comprehensive claim regarding pay scales, step up duty pay and premium payments, among other issues in the coming days. It also urged more PPB workers to come forward to prosecute further claims.

“These decisions vindicate our members in their claims and I congratulate them on their successful cases,” said John Douglas, Mandate general secretary. “There are tens of thousands of workers in Ireland currently being denied their rights at work because their employer believes the law shouldn’t apply to them. We’re here to tell them that it does.”

In the complaint filed with the WRC, a complainant said he was not afforded statutory breaks. Mandate had expressed grave reservations over “single manning shops” and said PPB does not make any reference to rest breaks in its staff handbook.

In response, PPB said that while breaks are not clearly defined, staff are encouraged to “take their breaks at quieter times”.

Since the WRC ruling PPB has, according to Mandate, notified all staff of rest break entitlement. This includes a 15-minute break for 4.5 hours’ work, with a 30-minute break for six hours’ work.

“Workers should not put themselves at risk by working alone for prolonged periods and should take precautions at all times, including shutting the store if necessary,” Douglas added.

“Paddy Power is a highly profitable business and can afford to sufficiently staff their premises so that workers are safe and can avail of their legal right to rest periods.”