Pennsylvania lawmaker expects legalised online gaming by March

Mario Scavello, chairman of the Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee in Pennsylvania, has said that he expects the US state to legalise online gambling by March of this year.


Mario Scavello, chairman of the Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee in Pennsylvania, has said that he expects the US state to legalise online gambling by March of this year. Pennsylvania is one of several states considering introducing a regulated market, and came close to legalisation last year when a bill was approved by the House of Representatives, but was not passed in time. However, earlier this month, State Senator Jay Costa confirmed he will

introduce an online casino billin the latest bid to legalise internet gambling. Scavello has now added further fuel to the fire by suggesting that online gaming could become legal in Pennsylvania as early as March. “Sometime in March, we’ll have something done and passed in the House and Senate,” Scavello said, according to website. “It looks like online gaming has the support to pass; we can look at other expansions.” Related article:Pennsylvania to reconsider online casino regulation